My Spare Time

"Never regret anything...because. one was exactly what you wanted..."

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Still Here, and over there....

It's been a while since I last posted.  I had nothing new to say.  Oh, I did join a group called the Nesters,  I guess you could say I have an empty nest.  My status hasn't changed, still single, widowed, retired, unemployed, not completely helpless (at least I keep telling myself that.).  There are times when the quiet is nice, no tv, just the clocks ticking, the sound of the key strokes as I type.  But that can also be lonesome,  needing to talk to another adult, have adult conversations. Oh sure, I talk to my cats, and sometimes they talk back.  We get into some hellasious arguments come dinner time, they don't always win.  I only keep them around because they're such good mouse catchers and I live out in the country, keeps  mice out of the house.  There is  only one other thing that makes my skin crawl and that is snakes.  Why do I live out in the country?  Because we have 12 acres of beautiful ground, my husband loved it out here and I feel close to him here.  But it's been over two years now that he passed away,  and I'm starting to feel that I can let go. I guess it scares me to think about moving, my niece asked me the other day what stuff I would sell.  I told her I would probably auction everything and just go with my clothes.  But now that I think about it more,  I will take my sewing machine with me.
I will  be 59 years old next month.  I don't feel old, especially when they keep throwing it at me that I'm too young for social security.  I'm living on a tight budget and I hate it.  I used to have a good paying factory job, but the plant closed down and they retired me with my pension.  I know I'm thankful  I did have my 30 years into that factory so that I was able to collect that.  But a few years ago, my husband was still alive and we were looking forward to my retirement to grow old together.  I now have an empty nest and I'm not liking it much most of the time.  One good thing, since we were looking forward to me retiring, I had started collecting tubs of fabric so that I would have some quilting material when I retired.  I have enough crafts to keep me busy, from knitting & crocheting, to basket making, quilting, machine embroidery and even clay molding.  All I have to do is "look" for it.  I have alot of it boxed up and put away for when I retired and wanted something to do.  Now I also have to mow 7 of the 12 acres almost once a week.  So that keeps me busy in the summer.  I haven't planted flowers in a few years,  I just wasn't outside that much, except for mowing lawn.  I guess not having many visitors, it didn't matter anyways if I decorated the house.  I'm sure neighbors think I'm an eccentric old lady,  but I'm really not that old.  I need a new life!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'm still here...

       I really don't know that much about blogging,  I guess I should post something almost every day,  my life is not that exciting.  I've taken two of the webinars so far that teach starting your own online business.  Very interesting,  I've learned things I couldn't even imagine.  There's a lot of information I need to get before I get started,  concerning laws, copy right laws,  and  also the steps to going thru this is like trying to get a building permit from the city.  Have you ever tried that?  You have to have a lot of patience on both sides,  and patience can run short when you don't know the rules. 
       So I'm not really any farther along on my quest,  just a little more informed.  I've been practicing my digitizing and that's coming along.  I use both Generations Plus and the 5D Embroidery Pro.  I find both have their kinks and treasures, with more I practice I will have a general idea what one I  may use  the most.  
     If  I don't post everyday,  I'm probably practicing my digi-work.  I can do  that for hours on end, til my eyes get cross-eyed and dried out.  I've pulled all-nighters,  taken an  hour or two nap and started back in again.  At least it's something I enjoy,  since it does take alot of time.
    So until next time,  I'll still be here... 

Monday, November 15, 2010

My First Blog...

I've  been a widow for just over a year,  I retired when they closed my shop last May. Lucky me I was old enough and had enough years in for a pension.  But I'm still too young to get social security.  So I was looking into earning some extra pay without having to go out in the job force where jobs are already scarce. I've started taking online classes,  one in particular on starting my own embroidery business.  I realize there is alot of competition out there,  but I believe there is always room for more.  One of the webinars I'm taking suggests starting with my own blog, and so here I am.  I'm not sure how this works,  but I will tell you more about myself.  I was married to the most wonderful man,  but he passed away unexpectedly of a stroke after 20 years of marriage.  So I found myself, alone and needing something to pass the time.   I enjoy sewing quilts and working with machine embroidery even more.  I'm trying to learn digitizing,  I've had some wonderful help from some lovely ladies out there who do a fantastic job of their own. I hope to be at least half as talented at it as they are,  they make it look so easy,  but I have a long way to go. 
I've collected dolls forever,  Barbies, Madame Alexander, and Gene.  I still have my Chatty Cathy.  I have two grandkids by my son, a 17 year old granddaughter,  and 2 1/2 year old grandson.   Even though I'm pushing 60 in a few years,  I don't feel a day over 39,  and probably don't act it either, so I go by Sassygran.  I titled my blog AugienBlue because that's what all our friends knew us as,  Augie & Blue.   My husband and I were inseparable at one time.  When  he retired in 2001,  and started going to Florida for his health (I had to stay and work) for the winter months,  he would call me on the phone 5-6 times a day.  It was like he was in the same room and we were carrying a conversation.  So I never really felt like he was that far away.  Now my phone almost never rings and I miss that believe it or not.  My lovely granddaughter got me started on the Twilight Saga and I read all four books in three months (I was working remember).  So to date,  I have read and reread them each five times,  so I guess yes I am a Twihard,  addicted to vampire love stories.  I am excited for the fourth and final saga Breaking Dawn to come out,  each movie gets better and better.
I used to go to alot of concerts,  one summer I followed Bob Seeger around his tour,  I think I had a crush on him,  LOL!  But now days I just listen to my CD's and Ipod.  I love listening to my music while I sew or work on the computer. 
Hopefully the next time I update this I will have more interesting things to talk about.  Maybe my adventures in learning to digitize will give me something to post pictures.  Until then....